Monday, August 31, 2009
::tahniah ecah::
Posted by || EiLadi || at 9:38 PM 0 comments
::jawab kuiz about my marriage::
nie lh result kuiz yg di saran kn oleh my fren arieza..keh3..lawak tol lah result die..ngeh..ngeh..
How will you choose your Mr Right?
No matter how many men you have beating a path to your front door, when it comes to picking Mr Right, you'll listen to your parents. Not only will you become weary of all your suitors, deep down you don't quite trust your own judgment.Who will be your future Mr Right?
Your future hubby will be lovely and sweet, but a little immature - possibly even a spoilt brat! This guy will trigger your maternal instinct. You'll always be willing to watch his back and clean up his mess. He might be the same age as you are or even younger.When will you get married?
As soon as you fall in love, you'll want to grab your man and hang on to him. You will probably marry very young, so it would be wise of you to think carefully before committing.What sort of wife will you be?
You are a bit tricky. You might pretend to be a sensitive and caring wife in his eyes, but you'll be ready to laugh at him behind his back and eventually you may even leave him for another man.Will you and your husband have a good time together?
You and your spouse will choose to spend time on more romantic activities. You won't end up quite as healthy, but you'll have plenty of fun going out for drinks, watching concerts or playing cards at home with other friends.What will your children be like?
Your kids will be very naughty. They will often get into trouble but you will have a great time bringing these fun-loving kids up. They are lively and smart.How loyal are you?
You get along very well with most guys. Sometimes your friendliness misleads others to think that you're a bit of a flirt, but actually you've got a loyal heart. You'll never have eyes for anyone except your beloved husband.try lah...Your Marriage
Posted by || EiLadi || at 6:35 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 21, 2009
::Ramadhan yang penuh harapan::

Tahun pertama berpuasa di sarawak selepas 3 tahun puasa d negeri org...hihi syok siot haha...dulu slalu puasa d shah alam je..hahaha semuanya dh jd kenangan..
igt dulu 1st puasa d uitm shah alam..kirenye 1st sem lh kat uitm 2..duk negeri org mcm2 cabaran...1st day puasa xrasa sgt coz kelas dr pagi smpi part yg xleh lupe plak mase nk g buke puasa 1st day puasa 2...adessss sakit otak kepala n ati...nk d jadikan cerita,mcm biasa kol 6 ptg dh kuar dr bilik nk tapau makanan kat cafe kolej.time 2 duk Kolej Mawar..igt kn awl lg kol 6 2,tp tiba2 bila smpi kat cafe fuhhhh...ramai giler student dh baris nk tapau lauk n ns...
xpe2...sabar e2 separuh dr iman..aku tggu gak ler sbb nk tapau nasi...dh 30minit berbaris dh nk tapau 2, tp last2...lauk n nasi dh abis..sedih giler ler kteorg yg xsempat nk tapau 2..budak2 n ngan aku2 pn ilang sabar lh mane x nye mcm mane boleh abis mknan utk buke pose aduhhh mmg cabaran d bulan pose nie...
pas 2 abg kat cafe tu bgtau mintak maaf sbb mknan dh dieorg akn refill balik mknan kol 8.30 kes lame giler nk tunggu nk buke pose..dgr2 je abg tu bgtau pasal refill mknan 2 aku balik bilik ler mkn maggi je...sedih siot..buke pose ngan maggi...nk bli mkanan kat dataran cendikia plak kedai tutup..(mmg kebiasaan time bulan pose kedai kat DC tutup)..nk kuar g seksyen 2 palk bas plak xde..biaseler org nk buke pose,driver pn awl benti bwk bas...xpelh..maggi pn maggi lh dr xmkn pe2 hahha
Transformasi plak belaku time tahun ke2 d uitm,bila duk umah sewa baiduri..kena masak sendiri(e2 pn klu rajin lh haha) klu malas g seksyen 2 or seksyen 7 bazar ramadhan bli mkanan.. slalu klu g bazar ngan BBF zura budak pasir mas...mek zura nie ngan aku jenis satu kepala hahah.kteorg klu g bazar mula2 carik mee laksa penang dulu..mmg kte org budak antu laksa penang...sebulan puasa d shah alam,sebulan gak ler kami ber2 memamah or menghentam laksa penang...pas 2 air peberet plak air bandung cincau...lain2 plak roti john yg tidak ketinggalan hahah...
p/s : mek zura bila nk g mkn ns ayam yg special kat alam sentral n laksa penang jalan TAR,ngidam lh hahah mcm mengandung plak...
Posted by || EiLadi || at 8:04 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 17, 2009
~::impian percutian::~

tak sabar rasanya nk pergi bercuti 4hb september nie.....can release my tension kjap pn kira ok gak lh.... will go with my lurve...for 4 days...ok lh 2...hahah janji dpt jejalan sesama kat KL...

raya pn xlame lg nie...aduhhh budjet mesti lari giler ,ase g KL nanti .pergi KL pn sbb nk bli barang2 nk di samping itu sbnarnya rindu nk pg mamam aiskrim Yogi-Yogi kat mid valley n laksa penang kat pasar mlm Jln TAR...(my peberet place hihi)...
tempat shopping peberet plak kat Times Square...arrghhhrrr naik gila kalau g TS 2..hahah mana xnye bju murah giler,kasut lagi,..ishhh....taun lepas mase konvo aku bulan 11 kte org abis bnyak duit shopping kat Jaya Jusco d MV n TS nk dekat2 beribu2 gak ler abis (rasanya nya lh)..
ok lh guyz.....nanti lh update lg percutian kami ke KL 4hb - 9hb september huhuh...
Posted by || EiLadi || at 5:49 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Sound straight from the twilight
Has me up all night
I can’t fall asleep ’cause I keep thinking of you
And I saw a shadow outside my window and it’s you.
All my sorrows flew away Hush, keep quiet, hear me say I don’t ever want you to go Please stay With the moonlight dancing free And there’s no one but you and me There’s no reason to go astray Please stay.Making up a story
It’s the way you’re looking at me
If you think that this is funny, it’s just you.Try and think about it,
If you’re heart is closed don’t lock it,
Keep your keys back in your pocket,
Think this through.Please stay with me
Just stay with me
and I will take you to Foreverland
Just stay
Posted by || EiLadi || at 1:38 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
:::~~Sampai Menutup Mata~~:::
menebarkan bau asa
detik demi detik ku hitung
inikah saat ku pergi
oh Tuhan ku cinta dia
berikanlah aku hidup
takkan ku sakiti dia
hukum aku bila terjadi
aku tak mudah mencintai
aku tak mudah mengaku ku cinta
aku tak mudah mengatakan
aku jatuh cinta
senandungku hanya untuk cinta
tirakatku hanya untuk engkau
tiada dusta sumpah ku cinta
sampai ku menutup mata
cintaku sampai ku menutup mata
oh Tuhan ku cinta dia
berikanlah aku hidup
takkan ku sakiti dia
hukum aku bila terjadi

Posted by || EiLadi || at 8:07 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 3, 2009
~1st day~
bru jak kol 1.29pm ada setengah jam lgk mok start keja(adess boring tahap gaban lh pas tok)..emm rasa malas mok mam pagi tek pas mam mee kolok ngan my lurve (mcm biasa mee kolok abg smpg 3..nyaman juak)..smpi ptg lh asa knyg..
pagi tok tek dh byk kali kuar opis(hakhak ngular jak2 keja) sik pa ngular da sbb ya munasarawak huhu...1st neman lurve pg SPA interbiu Pegawai Penyelidik Nuklear kat tgkt 10 bgunan sebelah my opis jak..masa sampey tgkt 10 ya dlm kol 7.45pg emm byk juak lh org pg nk sama ngan ladi da 3 org jak..(ckit da juak eh)..masa pendaftaran ya nemu daddy c Fhad...haha lamak sik nemu pokcik ya..
time nunggu turn ladi nk dftr rs pelik jak pa hal org looking me??? mcm alien jak huhh..pa2 jak lh ktk org sia...sik lamak pas ya ladi pn nk msuk bilit interbiu alu bersalam mek 2 n pesanan gudluck lh utk interbiu ya....yg pn da org jeling2 (lantak lh pa org nk mdh pn..) Pas ya trus jak chow plg ke opis (keja2....).
2nd time ngular kol 10 sampi kol 11(nsb boss xda time kuar ya just terserempak ngan Pengarah adoii kantoi pok)...kuar sbb nk bekpes ngan ladi jak sbarnya ya lamak(pecah rekod da juak).mek 2 nk mam laksa swk tp stall laksa tutup indah (3 ari dh ngidam nk mkn laksa..*_*..)emm..xpa lh mam jak lh mee kolok(kolok lgk...) adess perut dh lapar mkn jak lh pok...bekelakar lh mek 2 ladi psl interbiu tek..

adoii yaiii...gmbr blur....
Posted by || EiLadi || at 10:59 PM 1 comments